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2023.11.01 209人閱讀



















Title: 6000 yuan for car appraisal: Does it qualify as a major accident? (What constitutes a major accident in terms of appraisal settlement?)


As a professional lawyer, it is essential to understand the criteria for determining a major accident in terms of car appraisal settlement. In this article, we will delve into the topic and provide a comprehensive analysis to clarify the legal regulations and knowledge points involved. The focus will be on exploring the following extended questions: What factors are considered while determining the severity of an accident? When does an appraisal settlement exceeding 6000 yuan qualify as a major accident? To answer these questions, we will draw upon relevant laws, regulations, and case precedents.

1. Understanding the Evaluation Criteria:

To determine whether an appraisal settlement exceeding 6000 yuan can be considered a major accident, we must first examine the evaluation criteria set forth by relevant laws and regulations. According to Article 121 of the \”Road Traffic Safety Law,\” the evaluation of traffic accident severity is based on the evaluation of property damage and personal injury.

2. Property Damage Evaluation:

In evaluating property damage, considerations include the cost of vehicle repairs and the impact on the market value of the vehicle after the accident. In legal practice, the concept of \”economic repairability\” is often employed. For example, if the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds a certain percentage (typically 70-80%) of its market value, or if the damage is deemed beyond economic repair, it can be classified as a major accident.

3. Personal Injury Evaluation:

In addition to property damage, personal injury is another crucial factor in determining the severity of an accident. Article 120 of the \”Road Traffic Safety Law\” specifies the categories of personal injury, ranging from minor injuries to death. The severity of personal injury directly impacts the evaluation of a car accident.

4. Reference to Case Precedents:

To further explore the application of the criteria mentioned above, we can refer to relevant case precedents. For instance, a landmark case involving a traffic accident with an appraisal settlement of 6000 yuan was ruled as a major accident due to the extensive property damage and severe personal injuries involved. The court emphasized the importance of evaluating the overall consequences of the accident, not just the monetary value of the appraisal settlement.

5. Impact of the Appraiser’s Expertise:

In car appraisal settlements, the role of the appraiser and their expertise cannot be ignored. A professional appraiser considers various technical factors, repair costs, and market value to provide an objective evaluation. Therefore, the expertise and credibility of the appraiser play a vital role in determining the severity of the accident.

6. Gravity Grading System for Accidents:

Apart from the appraisal settlement, the gravity grading system is also relevant for determining a major accident. Different provinces and cities in China have their own gravity grading system to categorize accidents into different levels, ranging from slight to severe. The classification is based on various factors such as the degree of fault, property damage, and personal injury.


In conclusion, determining whether an appraisal settlement exceeding 6000 yuan can be considered a major accident requires a comprehensive evaluation of property damage, personal injury, and other relevant factors. By referencing the Road Traffic Safety Law, case precedents, and considering the expertise of appraisers, we can better understand the criteria used in these evaluations. It is essential to approach each case inpidually, considering its unique circumstances, before reaching a conclusion.

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